Tuesday, May 4, 2010

New Stuff on Google Docs

For a while now, I noticed the RED underlined NEW Features! button at the top of the Google Docs page.  I just figured out that if you click on it, you can access and learn about all the new features that makes Google Docs even better than it was before.  I really like the formula bar on the spreadsheets (similar to Excel) and the drag and drop columns.  On the Docs the ruler at the top of the page is very helpful, esp with tabs and margins.

Below is the link to the Google Docs page on the new features and how to get started.  One thing that confused me - once you switch to the NEW version of Google Docs, your previous docs will be in the old version, your NEW docs will have the ruler at the top of the page.


One of the things I realized last week was that Google Docs works SO much better on the Google Chrome browser.  I tried showing someone how to use it on the Internet Explorer browser and almost gave into the frustration.  The ease of viewing and the use of the tabs really makes it worth it to open your Google Docs on Chrome.

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